Monday, March 3, 2014

Herbed Rainbow Trout with Wild Mushroom Sauce

Prep Time 10 min. Cook Time 10 Min
Serves 2

2 8 oz. Rainbow trout filets
1 t coriander seed
1 t dill seed
1 t mustard seed
1/2 t sugar
1/2 t salt

12 oz duck or veal stock
6'oz wild mushrooms
1 t butter

Heat stock until reduced and thickened. Heat oven to 425.  Grind herbs with mortar and pestle and cover fleshy side of trout. Brown mushrooms in hot pan, add butter and parsley.
Place trout in greased pan and place in heated oven.  Broil for 7 min, until fish is flakey. Add sautéed mushrooms to stock sauce.  Spoon sauce over hot fish.  Nice with sautéed spinach, and citrus vinaigrette salad.  Serve with a cold white or dry rose wine.

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