Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A rare "snow day" in south Louisiana!

So as we enjoy our second snow day in several days, I decided it was time to finally post on the cooking blog I recently started.  I love to research all kinds of recipes and cook, but for a cold day with hungry boys at home, today is a simple comfort food day.  Found a recipe last fall for hot apple pies like McDonald's.  That and a cup of cafe' au lait made for a warm and delicious breakfast! Enjoy!

Hot Apple Pies

Serves 4
Prep 5 min
Cook 10 min

2 green apples (peeled and diced)
2 T brown sugar
1/2 t cinnamon
1 sheet of frozen puff pastry thawed (like Pepperidge Farm)
1 1/2 cup canola oil for frying

Cut and dice apples. Place in saucepan with sugar and cinnamon and cook over medium heat stirring frequently until soft.  Heat oil in Dutch oven until hot.  Cut thawed pastry sheet into fourths.  Place apples in center of each square of pastry. Moisten edges of pastry with finger dipped in water.  Fold over pastry and crimp with a fork.

Fry 2 at a time until golden brown and turn over, about 30 seconds each side. Place on paper lined plate and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Yum!

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